Thursday, March 26, 2009
Who you calling a cantaloupe you melonhead?
Nearly everyday of my Highschool life my friend and I would hightail it off of the bus so we could catch the "Saved By the Bell" power hour. Thank Zack for the extra 5 minutes that TBS would give us or we never would have caught the sweet, sweet intro above. From Jessie's battle with caffeine pills to the gang trying to save The Max this was one of those shows that you would watch and not have any idea why you were doing it. Who wouldn't love a show that switches from Indianapolis, Indiana to California without any explanation. That is just one example of the excellent writing on this show. I miss you "Saved By the Bell."
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Every now and then I fall apart... a little.
One of the greatest love songs ever! This raspy over the top little number is great comedy when it's farsed and just a damn good song in general. There is nothing I could do, i had to totally post this song.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Construction with Power Chords
I think it's pretty damn cool that people that appear out of nowhere have the power to build cities with vocals and instruments. I always wondered what city it was they were talking about though. Did they mean "world"? Oh wait, they are talking about Vegas and the giant dice that try to kill everyone. CRAPS!
Friday, March 13, 2009
MMM Delicious!
Thank the good lord! I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to find an embeddable version of this song anywhere on the Internet. Seems as if the Hanson boys decided that they wouldn't allow people the privilege. Here is the deal though, when it comes to music, this track and a certain Backstreet Boys song that will come up later down the line are really what this place is all about. Both songs are fantastic and no one in their right mind would admit that they like them. Now is your chance to break free from the chains that Wilson Phillips sang about below.
Also, if you have any interest in recommending something that no one would admit they like (Music, Book, Movie etc...) I would be happy to hear about it. I love you guys as much as I love the crap you'll hear and see here.
Hasta la Pasta.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Skip It, America!
I personally don't have much to say about this track but apparently it was a reliable little ditty as my wife made her way across the country. Here is what she has to say:
"Wilson Phillips ~ "Hold On"
This song was used quite a bit in the documentary Skip It, America! (yet to be released) by myself and Lauren Branks. There were times during our journey across America when we felt we could skip no more, but time and again, we would call each other and sing this old stand-by, and after a few tears and a lot of pitchiness, we made it. "Yeah I know that there is pain but you hold on for one more day and you break free, break from the chains." Thank you Wilson Phillips. Thank you, "Hold On." "
A band on a book, singing about africa.
I was once threatened by a customer when i worked at Music Trader in San Diego to shut this song off or he would walk out of the store. I told him where the door was. If you follow this blog you will likely be shown where the door is multiple times.
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